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Kamis, 14 Januari 2016

Analysis HiLo Ads

Hello pals, yesterday was the first meeting for my class, 1SA08 met Mr. Romel. And at that first meeting, we already given a task to analyse an advertisement. Yeah ofcourse to analyse an advertisement cause He taught us copywriting. So, me and my team choosed Hilo ads to analyse.

Here is the video for you guys to watch!
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/o7Pvg_hbosg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And about what will be analyzed, there were 5 things that we analysed, they were urgency, feasibility, mechanism, solvancy and hidden lies. And here they are...

Urgency                  : If you’re not tall enough between your friends and also feeling not confident with  your height, you should drink HiLo.
Feasibility               : The feasibility we can conclude fron this ads is if you don’t drink HiLo you will not grow taller. You will get a mock or bully by your friends. And you are not popular between your friends.
Mechanishm        : The mechanism of using this product is two times a day. First, when you wake up and before you sleep.

Solvancy                 : Get taller, more active, and there are many people will like you because you are tall. People will pay more attention to you.

Hidden lies            : This milk can’t make you taller if you don’t do exercise, eat properly, and do not have enough sleep.

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